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A Healthy Second Half
Take some low cost probes. Step through the process of finding organizations that can use your experience and interests with assignments aligned to your natural talents. Finishers Project is a great place to explore for engaging short-term, long-term, home or abroad. Begin to build a relationship with an organization that fits your style.

Finishers Project Finishers Project
Providing information, challenge and pathways for people to serve long-term, short-term at home or abroad in missions. Submitting a profile by answering questions about your background and interests, each person receives a custom list of organizations that can beneficially use them to join Jesus in His passion people.  

Begin to engage now by making a difference among leaders.

Executive Ministries
Executive Ministries is an interdenominational ministry committed to helping to fulfill the Great Commission by reaching out to the executive, professional, and leadership community. Now go beyond success... multiply your impact with what God has entrusted to you.  

Set aside time to intentionally discover your niche.

Second Half Ministries
Providing singles and couples in mid-life the opportunity to thoughtfully discover their unique design and desires and form in a few words their life purpose and unique contribution.  

The Masters Program
A distinctive three-year life coaching experience to prepare high capacity leaders for Kingdom impact, serving groups of Halftimers in a growing number of cities across the country.  

Build personal capacity while finding your niche with continuing education under conditions that suit you.

Columbia Biblical Seminary
CBS provides ministry training for mid-life transition with a Great Commission focus. Their flexible programs and non-traditional delivery systems let you customize your training to meet your needs.  

Finding significance in your second half will cause you to ...
      - discover the primary reasons for your existence.
      - wake up in the morning with great anticipation of the day ahead.

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