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- Family Issues at Mid-Life
- Spouses and a Joint Vision for Life
- The Legacy of Grandchildren
- Caring for Aging Parents

Your mid-life Journey — moving from success to significance.

Top Ten Reasons Why Parents and Children Should Continue to Improve Their Relationships Even After The Children Grow Up and Leave Home: *

  1. Most parents will live more years as an empty-nester than with a child at home.

  2. The relationships parents and grown children can be more joyful and more satisfying than the relationship parents had with them as small children.

  3. Empty nest parents can be such valuable consultants to leaving-the-nest children - in areas of parenting, finance, church callings, etc.

  4. Kids who have grown up and left can be a window on the world for parents - giving them a perspective on everything from new technology to new trends.

  5. The scriptures mention "family" more than 300 times, and not once does it mean just parents and children in the home. It always refers to extended family - three or more generations - including children who have left home.
Focus over Fifty
Helping people at mid-life understand their multi-generational role within the family; leaving a legacy through grandchildren, caring for aging parents, and other mid-life issues that contribute to a healthy and productive second half.

Focus Over Fifty and Finishers Project are partnering with Grand Parenting Great, a collaboration of Grand Parents to share the art of leaving a legacy, by great grand parenting.

Grand Parenting Great
Grand Parenting Great (GPG) is a movement dedicated to encouraging and equipping grandparents to be more effective in their changing roles with adult children and grandchildren.  

* Adapted from "Empty-Nest Parenting: Adjusting Your Stewardship As Your Children Leave Home"
by Richard M. Eyre, Linda Eyre, Saren Eyre Loosli

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